What You Need to Know Before You Start Playing Online Casino Games?

Attention online gaming beginners, this is the perfect article for all of you. If you have been interested in exploring the world of online gaming, now is the perfect chance to do it. Here, you will get a chance to discover some of the most useful things and elements that you have to take into […]
My First Bet
The first time I ever made a bet I was sixteen years old. I looked a lot older than my age and I had no trouble placing the bet. I had saved up $500 I had earned at the Dairy Queen that summer. As my father was a gambler I knew all about the ponies. […]
A Funny Gambling Moment
Hi, my name is Joseph Pigliatti. I am also known as Joey the Pig, Second Story Joey, Blackjack Joey and Joey Ice Cream Cone. If you don’t mind, I prefer Joey the Pig. Anyhow, the good people at www.gambleonthis.com have asked me to write an article about the funniest gambling moment I can think of. There are […]
Poker Face
Do you ever get that itch? The itch to gamble, to head to the closest casino, to find a high stakes game of Texas Holdem, to sit at a Blackjack table for hours on end. I love that itch. And I love to scratch it. I also love to watch people gamble. No two poker […]
A Lesson in Blackjack
Hi, my name is Joseph Pigliatti. I am also known as Joey the Pig, Juiced Joey, Joey the Big Ouch and Joey Cupcake. If you don’t mind, I prefer Joey the Pig. The good folks at gambleonthis.com have asked me to write an article about the first times I ever gambled. So, here it goes. […]